Company Name
Point of Contact for this project
Current Website:
Company History:
Company Mission
Awards, accreditations, organizations you are certified or members of:
Services offered
Login information
Websites that you like:
Top 3 Competitors
What sets you apart from your competitors?
What do you not like about your current marketing/website:
What do you NOT like about your current marketing/website:
Who is your target market (gender, location, age, other traits)?
What are your primary online business objectives with the site redesign? What are your secondary objectives? (Examples include increased sales, marketing/branding awareness, and fewer customer service calls.) Please discuss both long- and short-term goals.
What is the main business problem you hope to solve with the site redesign? How will you measure the success of the solution?
Use a few adjectives to describe how your site visitor should perceive the new site. (Examples include prestigious, friendly, corporate, fun, forward thinking, innovative, and cutting edge.) Is this different than the current image perception? *
Which web features would you like to integrate? (Scheduling, Contact Us Form, Ecommerce, Subscriber, Testimonials, etc.)